2017 December Program 

Buckhorn Exchange 


WHEN: December 11, 2017, 4:00pm – 4:45pm – Networking, 4:45pm – 5:00pm - Short Business Meeting, 5:15pm – History of the Buckhorn Exchange.  NOTE THE EARLY MEETING TIME.

RSVP to Nancy Brueggeman – 303-809-7535, 303-979-4852,or nancybcolo@yahoo.com  before Wednesday, December 6th.  THANK YOU!!

WHERE: 1000 Osage Street, Denver, CO 80204-3918

PROGRAM: Bill Dutton, Manager and Partner, will share the history of the Buckhorn Exchange.  
FOOD:  Provided by the Buckhorn Exchange.  Hors d’oeuvres will be provided.  There will be a cash bar.  Members - $10.00 and Guests - $15.00. 

10th Avenue and Osage Street.  The best way to get to the Buckhorn Exchange is to take Lite Rail.  It stops in front of the restaurant.  

PARKING: Parking on the North side of the restaurant and on the South side across the street in the fenced area on the West side of the parking area where the white signs are on the fence. 

GUESTS:  Members are encouraged to invite potential members as guests to meetings. 

Guest Fees: 1st and 2nd Time Guest: Free; third thru fifth time, same guest visit is $10 each time.  Succeeding times, same guest must join RMGA.  
MEETING NIGHT CONTACT: Larry Foos – Cell Phone 720-581-3820.