Durango FAM Booklist

  1. The Wilderness Warrior. Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America. Douglas Brinkley.
  2. Blood & Thunder. An Epic of the American West. Hampton Sides. Doubleday, New York: 2006.
  3. The Collapse. How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Jared Diamond, Penguin: 2004. 
  4. Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith. Jon Krakauer. Anchor: 2004.
  5. Manifest Destiny: American Expansion and the Empire of Right. Anders Stephenson. Harper Collins:  2006.
  6. Anders Stephenson. Harper Collins:  2006.
  7. The Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith. 
  8. 1491 New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus Charles C. Mann
  9. Cadillac Desert. The American West and its Disappearing Water.  Marc Reisner. Penguin: 1993.
  10. The Story of Everett Ruess. W.L. Rusho & Vicky Burgess. 
  11. The Sandstone Spine. Seeking the Anasazi on the first Traverse of the Comb Ridge. David Roberts. Photos by Greg Child. Mountaineer Books: 2006.
  12. In Search of the Old Ones, Exploring the Anasazi World of the Southwest. David Roberts. Simon & Schuster: New York. 1998.
  13. Rock Art of the Southwest. Polly Schasfsma. Santa Fe: 1980.
  14. Those Who Came Before. Robert H. and Florence C. Lister: Southwestern Archaeology in the National Park System. Tucson: 1983.
  15. Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness.  Edward Abbey. New York, 1968.
  16. The Navajo Long Walk. The Tragic Story of a Proud People’s Forced March from their Homeland. Joseph Bruchac. New York: 2006.
  17. Wetherill Family Lore. The B.K. Wetherill Years 1832-1898 Compiled by Harvey Leake
  18. The Wetherills, Friends of Mesa Verde by Fred M. Blackburn. Mesa Verde Centennial Series.